Friday, May 17, 2013

Cazy Hair 90 Retextured

Okay for those who care I have been playing a crappy mmo, and have taken a break from the sims cause I suck at making stuff anyway :(.

No matter, cause I decided to share another Cazy retexture that I made for the sims whose heads don't like to be squished.

Here's a simple preview with a pose I made(unreleased, still working on the set)

I hate it when the pretty hairs are made short, so I added some length to the back, and added more width to the whole hair. And I definitely lightened the hair cause some ppl do want sims with lighter hair. You can still have this and the original installed in the game(like always >.>)

Other content used here:
Sims 2 desert clutter  conversion set by Lione 

Choker and bracelets By Psycho's Trip

Lashes By Sintiklia

The Top is by Me
(Unreleased cause no one would want it XD!!!)

                             A big thanks to the rest(I have a bad memory) and Cazy for the Hair

Choose your version to download:

                                Package                                                             Sims3pack

Shame on those who come here and don't comment, joking joking, but still give me some feedback I still need to know if anyone wants those other re-textures :/.